Sunday, April 22, 2012

Catching Up: The Movies of This Weekend!

American Reunion:
Let me start out by saying: If you like the American Pie movies, you'll like it (if you don't, you probably won't).  I really liked it, so go ahead and judge me!  The raunchy humor is still there and doing a good job at getting a laugh from the audience. 

I'll just go ahead and say that one of the best parts is that Jim's dad gets together with Stifler's mom, and it's wonderful! (I don't want to say too much else though because I want you to experience the comedy for yourselves.)

I recommend this movie if you are looking for a guaranteed laugh.

Like Crazy:
 This movie is beautiful in one of the most sad and sentimental ways possible.  It follows the continual relationship between two young adults who met at college and became ripped apart by the distance between Los Angeles and England once their time at school came to an end.

Initially, their love is quite literally, like crazy...nothing came between them, they were happier than ever before.  Slowly, they grow apart once the female lead must go back to her home in England.  Like any young couple in a long-distance relationship would do, they try to make it work...but it turns out that sometimes it can be easiest to just let go.  Their constant worries of their love for each other, past, present, and future, gives new meaning to the title.  Their relationship makes them feel crazy.

Excellent acting, cinematography, and story.   

The Sitter:
Jonah Hill fans of the world, unite!

It's not my favorite Hill movie, but it's still pretty good, especially if you didn't like how skinny he was in 21 Jump Street (okay...maybe I just don't like change).

This comedy chronicles the adventures of a college-dropout-turned-babysitter for a night.  It is a thrill ride of silly fight scenes and drug-humor, yet it still manages to have the token few sentimental moments that we all crave (to some extent).

If you're looking for something worth your dollar at the Rebox, this one is for you.

The tagline of this movie should be: "Why does anything happen: No reason."

This film is literally the life story of a telepathic tire.  Yes, you read that correctly, a tire, like from a car.  You may stop and think, why on earth would this ever become a movie?  Here's the answer: No reason.

The tire, once it finds that it has destructive abilities, that it enjoys killing.  One thing you don't want to do with a tire like this is anger it or treat it poorly, which is a lesson learned by his victims throughout the movie.  

Some have found it brilliant, others have found it funny, and many more have found it ridiculous.  I thought, if we look past the fact that it's a bit insane, we can see that the message may be to respect our environment, even the tires.  It becomes somewhat clear that, when anything is treated poorly, it is hard for it to be anything but inherently evil.

Crazy, but beautiful cinematography is my verdict on this one.   

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