Sunday, May 20, 2012

Movies I've seen of late

The Avengers:
I don't know much about the characters that superhero movies are based on, but I've seen plenty of them.  This was a very impressive show and I think it would be nearly impossible not appreciate it.  I would absolutely encourage people looking for an action-packed couple of hours to watch this one.

Dark Shadows:
This wasn't exactly what I was expecting...yet I enjoyed it all the same! It was quirky, spooky, silly, artful, and entertaining.  Not everyone will love it, but I really did!

What to Expect When You're Expecting:
This isn't the best dramedy (mostly comedy) ever made, but I liked it for sure.  It was a chick-flick, but it also had some male humor spilled in every now and then.  It had some good acting, so I would absolutely recommenced it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Five Year Engagement

I loved this film.  I love Jason Segel (of HIMYM)...I love Emily Blunt (of The Devil Wears Prada)...I love Chris Pratt (of Parks and Rec.)...and I certainly love Alison Brie (of Community and Mad Men).

This movie was six parts hilarious, four parts emotionally truthful, and entirely (ten out of ten) worth the watch.  I was wondering if a movie with Emily Blunt could be outright funny...I'll admit it, I was worried that she might ruin all of the comedic talent, but her dramatic performance combined with her beauty and Audrey Hepburnesque elegance...mixed with a refreshing unexpected dose of humor really impressed me. 

The Five Year Engagement is the story of a cute couple with a genuinely portrayed strong loving relationship.  We follow them as they go from the story of how they met, to how they get engaged a year later, to how they uproot their lives for a career, to how that career eventually comes between them...all the while, their lives are constantly interrupted by the progression of their families' lives and the new relationships that they are forming over the evolution of their own relationship.  At times...I couldn't stop laughing...then I felt my heart breaking...and then there were times when I could have sworn that no other movie could make me feel happier than I did in that moment.

It feels authentic, yet it didn't bore me or make me feel like I had wasted time, which is something that often happens when watching films called "authentic."

It was a beautiful experience and it ends better than it began! I recommend this movie to absolutely anyone.

[If you enjoyed Crazy, Stupid Love, you'll have a ball with The Five Year Engagement!]

Thank you for reading!