Friday, January 11, 2013

November 2012 Movies

Killing Them Softly 
I cannot even say that this film deserves a review.  I even updated my Facebook status after watching it in the theater and wrote, "Killing Them Softly=$12 nap."

Here is what I will say:
Killing Them Softly seemed like an attempt to capture the smooth violence and cinematography from Drive.  It is hard to say that this film even had potential to do so.  This film used voice overs from speeches that President Obama has made in what seemed like an attempt to make it a deep and thoughtful work.  The use of the voice overs really seemed like a cheap tactic.  Not even a voice over from Einstein or Elvis could have rescued this misuse of money. 

Life of Pi
Phenomenal story.  Phenomenal acting.  Phenomenal cinematography.  Everyone should see it.

I heard from several people who have read the book that the film successfully captures its powerful story. 

Rise of the Guardians
A classic tale of good versus evil with a fresh story and a fun interpretation of favorite childhood characters.

Trickster Jack Frost is thrust into the role as "guardian" to watch over the happiness of children throughout the world, alongside longtime guardians: Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and the Sand Man.

Though the animation is not quite as perfect as Pixar, this film certainly has a great art style.
If you are looking for an experience to share with a younger generation or just want to see a movie with a pure message of hope, this is a good call.

Breaking Dawn-Part 2
In the past, I typically defended going to the Twilight movies because they had great music. I cannot say the same goes for Breaking Dawn: Part 2.

One more cultural phenomena has come to a close, whether that is fortunate or unfortunate is up to you.

If you don't get the chance to see it, I won't pity you, but it feels good to know that I followed the films from the first through the fifth.  

I didn't grow up as a Bond fan.  I was always more of a Get Smart girl, to be perfectly honest.  Before seeing Skyfall in theaters, I made sure to catch up on Daniel Craig's rendition of the legendary character.

I thought that out of the three Craig/Bond movies, this was by far the best.  The two prior films were well made and had perfectly fascinating storylines, but this one had the most to offer.

From Adele's song during the opening credits, to the puzzling charmingly mischievous performance of Javier Bardem as the villain, to the beautiful choices of setting in Scotland, Skyfall was a cinematic must-see in November.         

Wreck-It Ralph 
Fun and fearless.  Disney did a fantastic job of character development, animation, and storytelling in this exciting and heart-touching film.

The Disney film features the voices of several great actors, including John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, and Jane Lynch.

If you aren't into all the video games that Wreck-It Ralph references, don't be afraid to give the film a watch anyway.  I certainly am no gaming connoisseur, but I still had a great time watching this!  

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