Tuesday, October 8, 2013


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Starring Oscar-winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, this Oct. 4 release broke box office records for Oct. weekend releases, having made $55.6 million.  With ambiguous trailers and the tagline, "Don't let go," audiences in over 3,500 theaters couldn't wait to see what this sci-fi film was really about.

The scene is set with the opening caption, "At 372 miles above the Earth, there is nothing to carry sound, no air pressure, no oxygen.  Life in space is impossible." 

During the 90-minute-runtime, Bullock and Clooney portray Dr. Ryan Stone and astronaut Matt Kowalski, respectively, who are working on a mission with the Explorer space shuttle.  The movie’s plot really begins when the movement of debris recently disbursed into their orbit suddenly threatens their safety and all communication with Houston is lost.  The storytelling technique is interesting because the events throughout the film occur in a near-real-time manner.    

Stone (Bullock) is an engineer on her first mission, while Kowalski (Clooney) is a veteran astronaut who makes it his mission to live life to the fullest, even when situations become dangerous.  Within minutes, Explorer's mission is over when Dr. Stone is thrown off the structure and looses all visuals of the shuttle, but it's the calming charisma of Kowalski that allows for the pair to make a brave attempt to return home. 

Bullock shines as Stone, who becomes more resilient throughout the experience, while taking on some of the brave, yet breezy, characteristics of Kowalski in her fight to stay alive.  Her best performance is when she talks about her young daughter and delivers the line, "Tell her that I'm not quitting," with the fiery determination that Academy Award nominations are made of. 

The viewing experience is unique, as the film style changes from first person point-of-view, with shots of the astronauts above earth, to third person point-of-view as the cinematography shifts so that the viewer sees what Stone sees.  This is accomplished, especially in moments of suspense, by giving displaying the inside of her space helmet, lit up with warning lights and steaming up with each breath.         

While some viewers have described the heavily anticipated Oct. 4 release as slow or melodramatic, there is evidence to the contrary, as this is one of the few wide-release films in recent years that take the time to create a scene that is both stunningly beautiful and horrifying.  The visuals and special effects of this movie deserve a great deal of recognition, as the story would be impossible to tell without them.  Whether it’s the views of the Northern Lights from the perspective of the astronauts or the portrayal of objects floating in the zero gravity environment, the aesthetics of this film are flawless.  In some circumstances, paying extra for a 3-D ticket isn’t worth the money, but this is the exception to that rule.     

This movie is not the typical sci-fi release, as it offers more than flashy effects and frightening premises. While the action and special effects of this movie (e.g. astronauts dodging debris, stunning views of Earth from space, etc.) are worth paying lots of attention to, it's the heartfelt performance provided by the leading actors that have earned this film its success in the box office and the positive reviews from critics worldwide.  The Alfonso Cuarón-directed film offers proof of the abilities of Bullock and Clooney to capture their audience's compassion.    

Grade: A

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